Terminal Desires

I'll post download links to my game 'Terminal Desires' on this page. The main purpose is to download the 'Beast Content Patch' for v0.03 and above. I'll add more to this page later. Please consider supporting the game through SubscribeStar. Thanks to those who already are. It's much appreciated, and your support allows me to continue adding content to the game. :)

Current Public Version:




Click Here to Download (1.48 GB)


Other Platforms/Devices:
I will look into officially supporting Mac, Linux, IOS, Android, & Web Browser at a later date(if viable), once the game reaches a more stable point.

In the meantime, I'd suggest trying the following emulation alternatives:

Android - "JoiPlay"(removed from store but has other links) OR "Maldives"
Mac OS X - "WineBottler"

Some players have had some success using these, though I can't test or offer any support for them myself.

Beast Content Patch:

Download this if you wish to see the scenes featuring beast content. Compatible with v0.03 and above 
Simply overwrite the base game files. Enable content in-game with "Toggle Optional Content" key item. or via the options menu in v0.10+

Updated: JUN 1st 2022
(Added Debra vs Zorse Combat Sex Scene)

Click Here to Download (114.0 MB)




  1. what do i open the download with

  2. Replies
    1. I don't currently have an android device to test on, or know how to easily package .apk archives. I will look into multiple platforms after the game is further along.

  3. Please add more beast, maybe a wolf?

    1. there definitely will be lots in the future. Next should be zombie hounds in v0.08

  4. how do you add it exactly ive tried and cant get it to work

  5. how DO you overwrite the files??

  6. For everyone having problems. Download the game and the patch and put both .rar archives in the same folder. Extract the game, then extract the patch. I personally use Winrar, and rightclick->"extract here" for both .rar archives. If the .rar archives are in the same folder when you do this, then the beast patch (assuming you extracted it second) should overwrite the original game files.

  7. Oddball question, any plans for interspecies pregnancy?

    1. Definitely will be in the game. The women in the game will gain the ability to breed with beasts and non-humans as part of the story at some point.

    2. Good to hear :)
      Thought it would fit right in with the direction you are going. Hope you continue to enjoy working on it.

    3. Having lots of fun working on TD, probably the most enjoyment I've gotten out of any project so I think I'll be working on this for quite a while. I've got lots of plans for it and many cool things coming up in time.

    4. HOORRAAYY! Good to hear that I'm not the only one who want to see Miss Tiffany and Magnum's love-child!

  8. Added some picture instructions for those still having trouble.

  9. im playing online and the beast content isnt working even after i downloaded it

    1. what do you mean 'playing online'?

    2. Without downloading, playing flash version in a browser, but the beast content isn't working.

    3. There isn't a flash version supported by me. I don't know how to install beast content to a version like that, that I didn't make.

  10. Great game! THX man! Keep up the good work!

  11. Grrat work bro....loved the game and may be more beast content from the four normal horses from the barn will be awesome....

    1. Coming up in future versions for sure, you'll be able to get the other girls involved as well :)

  12. Really nice game. Love Tiffany and her filled belly...

  13. How can I load my savefile if I played online the first times?

    1. Well, the online version wasn't uploaded by me so I'm not entirely sure. But if you managed to make saves on it, then they're probably in your hidden AppData folder under C:/users/[your login]/ IDK where to look from there though.

  14. When will we be able to play past day 2? I would love to see Tiffany with a pregnant belly and have babies. Is this coming anytime soon? Keep up the great work!

  15. Hello! Just an idea that I've seen in other games.. What if you put a little (adult website) ad in-game? So they can become patrons as well...

    1. What do you mean? How does an ad = patron?

    2. Get in touch with the choosen site's crew (owner/manager/administrator) and ask if he/she interested in the project. For example: adultsexgames patronize a game so in it there's an URL with logo and brand of the site.

  16. Congrats man for reaching your goal! Hope you'll find a good helping hand who soon become an excellent co-worker!

    1. Thanks, I found someone, but now I can afford to pay them to properly help. v0.07 will have a 9 floor casino building so there will be some more gameplay. Level design is the #1 thing I need help with since it takes a long time and it's important to making the game part fun, but it's not the new content/images so that's where I always need to focus on over gameplay stuff it self. Hoping I will have a chance to make the game parts more exciting going forward.

  17. Wow man...blown away from Ur from from 0.6b....the best part of the story is Jasper ...can't wait to see from jasper....and still waiting more from horses and derby and just want to say thank you for making us happy and hope there is more Jasper scenes in next update

    1. Next beast content will probably be zombie hounds in v0.09, but well see. I need to tell more of the zombie story in the next 2 updates. But there will be plenty of beast content in the future with Jasper, the horses, and many more creatures yet to be introduced.

  18. In the future updates will there ever be any moaning from Tiffany

    1. Yes, I want to get a voice actress to do some lines for Tiffany and then the other girls later as well. But it's difficult and time consuming to find and cast someone who's comfortable with all these fetishes, and has a voice that fits the role. I may add some random moan effects in the meantime, until I can find someone.

  19. It doesn't give me the propmpt to replace the files. Does it work differently when I use 7-Zip File Manager? What files do I need to overwrite?

    1. Overwrite all of the files that come in the beast patch download. I don't know about 7-zip. I use winrar. It's free.

  20. Keep up the good work! Big thanks for the GAME!

  21. Why we have to download the beast content?

  22. I mean why is not incluided in the Game and have to download It apart?

    1. Because patreon changed their policy..

  23. excellent work, i just give my opinion, but i relly like to have more interaction, or other ways with hitomi. and a question, did you name her hitomi for hitomi tanaka?

    1. More Hitomi content will be coming in the future of course, same with all the other girls. Patrons actually selected her name, but yes, I assume that was why it was suggested for her ;)

  24. Loving this game! Went back through for a different option choice now that I downloaded the Beast patch, but I can't seem to trigger Jasper's spawn in the side alley. Is there a specific order of quests or areas you need to visit to ensure he spawns?

    1. No. He will always be there to start with.

  25. can't find the beast patch

  26. i got a question i barely playing this game and i finished all the missions only one i need to finished is the pregnancy and i already finish the part where she went to bed to the farmer and after that i could not go any further do i need to download the v0.06 to go further or what

    1. Hard to tell since some content is not attached to a quest, but probably. v0.07-v0.11 is continuing the main story so it will be more clear when you've reached the end.

    2. *reached the end of the current content. The game has barely gotten started yet.

  27. ohhh ok take your time on it i really like this game not bad some of the games i wanted to play always want me to use a creditcard this is a really great game

  28. i forgot to ask about the v0.06b when you release it how do i get my saves do i copy from the folder then put it in the other www folder just wanted to know

    1. It's just "v0.06", there was never a "v0.06b". It's up for the public now
      Yes, that's exactly how you transfer the saves. You just copy the "save" folder from the old version's 'www" folder to the new versions "www" folder and overwrite everything.

  29. who will have access to the beta

    1. $10 patrons for now. It is probably best to wait for the full version since a couple of scenes are missing from the BETA. The full version will be hopefully finished in about 1 week or so and will be for $5+ patrons

  30. i downloaded the new v0.06b and i get the dog and stuff but i downloaded the beast patch and when i save the dog and get to where they going to show the dog part and i get the thing that i need to download the beast content am i doing something wrong or there is another patch that i need to wait for

    1. Sounds like it wasn't installed correctly. Did it ask you to overwrite files? there should be 120 files to overwrite when copy and pasting. Either that, or you need to enable the beast content in game with the key item "toggle fetish content"

  31. not sure whats wrong i tried all that i even took it off completely and downloaded the game and the patch i do not mind starting all over i figure it out some how

  32. do i download the patch first then the game

    1. The exact steps to install are on this page. You download the game, then install the patch on top overwriting about 120 files.

  33. well i did that now not sure what i am doing wrong i did what the instructions said and still not working i will get it

    1. Go to "Terminal\www\img\pictures" and tell me what the file size is of "Scene_13_01.rpgmvp" in KB? There are only 2 possibilities here, the files were not copied correctly, or you have the patch disabled in-game. However, you must have the patch enabled, because you wouldn't see the message to download the patch in the first place.

  34. ok i download the game and patch and i went to click on where the instructions were at and the image of that is black will not show

    1. I can see them just fine on the site, however, the same images are included in the download for the beast patch, so you should already have them if you downloaded the patch.

  35. for scene_13_01.rpgmvp: 1,075kb

    1. okay, if that's in the game folder then you've installed it correctly. I have no idea what you mean when you say you can't even see the instruction images? What do you mean the instructions are black? Both here on the blog and the ones you downloaded? That doesn't seem possible that you can't even view png files. You seem to be the only one with this problem so it must be something on your end. Perhaps email me a screenshot of the problem and I can help better there than in these comments jimjim3dx@gmail.com

  36. oh nevermind what the image was doing was loading i guess i had to cleanout my cache and everything on my computer i need to get me a new stronger computer

  37. nevermind jimjim i got it to work i had to do the sidequest to activate it to make it work but i got it to work and everything i knew i will findout how it will work

  38. cannot wait till v0.07b i like what you do with the scenes keepup the great work on this game looking forward to much more

    1. Thanks. The full version of v0.07 should be out for $5+ patrons in about 2 weeks time.

  39. so v0.07 b coming out mid september right i like the place where those ghoulish looking zombies next to hitomi's house great job on that too i tried the sex scene with them nice animations to it and also with jasper with hitomi

  40. i got a question on the patreon do i have to pay every month on it or is that for just get the v0.07b first i waa thinking joining it

    1. There's no v0.07b, right now there is a BETA for the upcoming v0.07 out for $10 patrons. It doesn't include everything because it's mostly to help test and give me feedback. In about 2 weeks I will be releasing the full version 0.07 to $5+ patrons. $1 patrons will get it about 2 weeks later. The public will get it around when v0.08 comes out. I'm glad you like the game and the scenes with the Sewer Zombies, as well as with Jasper and Hitomi. There will be more of that coming up in later versions. As for the Patreon page, there's no need to be a patron every month unless you can afford to support the game, though I of course appreciate everyone who supports me however they can. I will always release the versions for free here when the new ones come out for patrons so eventually you can get the whole game for free, but plan on working on it for a long time. The Patreon page will charge you for that month up front, and rebills at the start of every month unless you cancel. If you cancel, you still get until the end of the month you paid for. Depending on the tier, you get access to different posts and bonus content though I'm in the middle of changing some of the details right now. If you only want to join to get v0.07 when it comes out, you might be best waiting until it is actually out. I will make a post on the blog and on my twitter when v0.07 is finally out for $5+ patrons.

  41. will you ever just install the beast content into the game?

    1. I have to do it this way because they don't let me post that part of the content on Patreon. So I have to post it elsewhere instead. When the game is 100% complete I will just merge it all and have one download for here. But as long as I'm on Patreon, I have to abide by there rules.

    2. damn that sucks, oh well I guess ill just have to deal with no beast content. great game btw keep it up.

    3. Why? Can't you figure out how to install the patch still? Did you try using winrar to install instead of what you were using before?

    4. no because im using a chromebook lol

    5. Oh, that's right. Yeah, sorry about that. Perhaps in the future, for major releases, I will try to included it all on the public release.

  42. is there still more hidden stuff in v0.06 i looked almost everywhere

    1. Idk. It's hard for me to tell since I don't know what you've done. Best thing is probably to look in the changelog that comes with the download and check if it sounds like you experienced all the new content. From memory v0.06 has 3 sex scenes + 1 combat sex scene with the Sewer Zombie.

  43. i was thinking what you should do is on v0.08 or v0.09 give tiffany to choose to have sex with jasper and the horses when she finished her missions to keep her busy just a option

    1. Tiffany won't be able to visit Jasper and the horses again until at least v0.12

      There is a lot of story and new characters to introduce in the upcoming versions.

  44. i just played the terminal desires v0.07 just now you did a great job on that one and liked the part where you could put the clothes on by 3 and the terry scene i really liked that keepup the great work jim

  45. I want to see more of Vanessa

  46. Great job .....loved 0.7 but little disappointed that we didnt get any new beast scences.....we are really waiting for scenes with jasper and the four horses from the farm.....a scene with debra and big barney will be awesome.....i know there is till lot of stuff to do...but please make more beast scenes and thank you for providing the pleasure and fun .....love you loads <3

  47. Jimjim what are your plans regarding beast content ? Will you add other animals other than Horses and dogs ?

    1. Of course. There will be plenty of beast content and all kinds of species, plus scenes for all of the girls. However, this is first and foremost a Zombie game with a story I'd like to tell. If I had to say, the main 3 fetishes of TD are: 1. Huge proportion; 2. Zombies/monsters/mutant's etc; 3. Impregnation. The beast content is just one of the many side fetishes also heavily featured in the game, but not the main focus, especially right now while I'm still basically in the prologue of the game. Rest assured though, I will be adding lots of beast content when I get the chance, but it's not the primary focus right now. I need to finish introducing the rest of the characters & plot before I spend my time adding lots of side-content at the beginning of development.

    2. That being said, there will be Zombie Hounds in v0.09

  48. i was thinking jim to join the patreon to help reach your goal i reall want to but i want to ask is this can i use my netspend card to donate money to your donations

    1. Sorry, I have no idea how the payment options for Patreon work, you will have to look at their site.

  49. ok i found it i think i can use my netspend card ty jim and keepup the great work

  50. Jimjim will there be giant insects as beast content ?

  51. I wonder which of the main characters will turn into a zombie

  52. Jimjim will there be zombie impregnation ?

  53. Jimjim will there be an option for other girls to get pregnant ?

    1. Of course. Hitomi and Vanessa can already get impregnated by Dr. Milburn, Debra will have the chance to get impregnated by Terry in v0.07. There will be many more opportunities for them and other girls in the future as well.

    2. Jimjim could Hitomi be impregnated by Jasper in later versions ?

    3. To answer every question at once: Yes. By the final version, every major female character in the game will be able to get knocked up be anything that has sperm to give.

  54. Please make more beast content, with Jasper and four horses from the farm, Debra and big Barney scenes will be awesome (better story than twilight)

    1. Yes, of course there will be more in the future. I just need to get through some more story scenes in the town first and introduce the rest of the characters. Zombie Hounds will be added as enemies in v0.09

  55. Jimjim how long will the game be ?

    1. Very long. This is only the intro phase still. At least several in-game weeks. But the end-game content will probably be repeatable for ever if you want to keep playing after the story and doing daily tasks, repopulating the town, etc.

  56. Jimjim will we see Vanessa's brother in the future versions ? and could she be impregnated by him ?

    1. This seems like a logical conclusion to draw ;)

  57. Will there be any Shota content ?

    1. There will be some younger characters (like Vanessa's brother), but everyone in the game will be at least 18 years of age.

  58. Will there be Tentacle content ?

  59. Thank you for the game man! It's sooo good!

    1. Thanks, I really appreciate it :) Hope you'll all enjoy what's to come.

  60. Jimjim will there be anal birth content ?

    1. No. I suppose there could be some insects or creatures that lay eggs in the girl's bowels at some point. Though that's not a priority for the foreseeable future and those might end up being vaginal as well, idk yet.

    2. Thanks for the reply . Terminal Desires is my favourite hentai game .

  61. Will there be Incest content ?

  62. Will there be more powrful weapons as the game progresses ?

  63. When will we see any Birth content ?

    1. Not for a while yet. v0.08 will be the first version where it's possible to see signs of pregnancy at the beginning of day 3. First birth scene possible will be at night time on day 4. I don't know what version that will bet just yet.

  64. When will we see Vanessa's brother ?

  65. Will You put cheats in the game ?

    1. Probably not. Perhaps when the game is finished. I will add a gallery where you can view all the scenes though. If you really want to cheat you can probably just use and rpg save game hacker, but then I can't guarantee you won't break the game if you do that and change too many things.

  66. Will there be Scat content ?

  67. Hey Jimjim, just wanted to say thank you for the great game and all the time that you spent working on this project ! I guess like a lot of people here I know aproximately zero about making a 3D porn game or even a 3D game, so my guess is that it take tremendous amounts of time ! Makes your dedication even more appreciated ! I truly respect you man and wish you all the best in pursuing what you like, will it be this or another project ! I feel like working in this area can be tough, so I wanted to come out of the silent wankers club to let you know that your talent, hard work and energy is much appreciated :) anyway, have a good day, cheers

    1. Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to express that. It is a lot of work and I'm frustrated that I cannot work faster to deliver more updates. But everyone seems to be very patient and enjoys all of the new content so I am grateful for that and will continue working hard and try to release updates faster.

  68. Will there be Lara's impregnation scene in 0.08 or 0.09 ?

  69. Will there be a sex scene in the shower ?

  70. do you know when terminal desires v0.07 beta 2 demo coming out just want to know

    1. I won't release the Beta versions publicly. The full v0.07 release will be public on the 23rd of November, or $1 patrons can play it now.

  71. Will there be fast travel ?

    1. Probably not, it depends though. On how large the areas get.

  72. Will we see Vannessa's brother before 0.12 ?

  73. Again, thank you for the game Jimjim, and good work. I know it is still in the future.. can you tell us what holidays do you plan to put in?

    1. I would like to have in-game events for most of the big holidays. Maybe I will invent some special holidays just for the Terminal Desires world. Idk, it's very far off in the future to consider to greatly right now :)

  74. Will there be Hyper pregnancy ?

    1. depicting pregnancy at such a stage that is unrealistic and unfeasible

    2. The other body changes will be "hyper" but the pregnant belly should be fairly normal when compared to everything else.

  75. Is the boarded sections still under development or have i missed where the tool is?

    1. If you interact with the boards, Tiffany will say she'll need some kind of tool. The item you need is a crowbar. The rusty crowbars are breakable items with limited uses. You can find some of them in chests/containers as rare loot. Otherwise, you can buy them from George in his store.

  76. When will we see it ?

  77. Will there be Ali's impregnation scene in 0.12 ?

  78. Not 100% sure. Earliest could be v0.11

  79. Replies
    1. I will have to keep better track of the Girls ages. But I believe Debra is 28.

  80. I have a bunch of questions : 1.In what version will we see Zombie impregnation ? 2. In what version will we see Beast impregnation ? 3. If Tiffany gets impregnated by a zombie , will that mean that the baby is also a zombie ? 4. Will tiffany be able to be pregnant with more than 1 baby at the same time ?

    1. 1) Not sure yet. Towards the end of the first act.
      2) In the same version as the Zombies.
      3) To be determined. Patrons will probably get some say.
      4) She will probably be able to have a random chance of twins, triplets, etc. But not two different pregnancies at once. And twins or triplets, etc, won't change the images, she'll look the same (belly size wise) since that would take too many variations to render.

    2. So no zombie impregnation before 0.5 version ?

    3. I don't know what version it will be. It probably won't be happening any time in the next year though.

  81. Will Zombie impregnation be available from the start ? (Like Futa and beast content)

    1. No, it's tied to a specific point in the story.

  82. Will there be Egg laying content (Like in WW vs the gremlins )?

    1. Perhaps for some specific pregnancies. Will depend on species.

  83. Could Pumpkin Man impregnate Tiffany ?

    1. In theory. But don't worry, Pumpkin Man isn't real. He can't hurt you.

  84. Will Vanessa's companion quest involve finding her Brother?

    1. Probably. Depends how things line up. It might be a quest that gets implemented before Vanessa is made into a companion since there are more characters involved with that particular quest than just those two. A bit early to confirm any specifics right now.

  85. Will that scene feature mom's impregnation?

  86. All in game pregnancy chances are determined by the female characters randomly fluctuating fertility levels compared to the male's fertility level. But yes, if the numbers align, it will possible if the numbers align.

  87. Will there be MILF characters ?

    1. Yeah, ofc. I just like young, bimbo types so there will be mostly those. But I will have a lot of different women, don't worry.

  88. If Tiffany gets impregnated by the bestial zombie will the baby have the attributes of the father ?

    1. Zombie & Beast impregnation is a long way off. I still am not 100% decided on what the offspring will be.

  89. Thank you for the answers Jimjim. Really appreciate when a dev tries his/her best to keep up the communication with the players/patrons.

    If you don't mind I share an idea (or more likely a hope) for the future story: I hope that old Jeb got infected by an other horde of zombies roaming that area, so after Tiffany defeat him we can assign a girl (propably one of Ali's group of survivors) to take over his farm to produce food supplies and keep sexy company for the horses and maybe Jasper can transferred there too..

    1. Thanks, and don't mention it.

      Jeb isn't going anywhere. However, you'll be able to take just about every girl with you to his farm so they can "help out" with all the animals ;)

  90. Very good job Jim on v0.07 cannot wait till v0.08 to come out

  91. Will there be Aliens ?

    1. I think it would be weird to cross the genres. This is a zombie game after all so I'd prefer to stick with zombies for the most part. I've got no plans for a group of random aliens to invade the planet in this game.

  92. When Will we See Sydney's impregnation scene?

  93. Will there be monster plants ?

  94. will Ridori make an appearance in Terminal desires ?

    1. Possibly, but I have no plans for it at this point.

  95. Will other girls receive the same "upgrade" as Tiffany?

    1. From pregnancy, yes. But not from the enhancement serum.

  96. Hi Jimjim! Fan of your game here :) Will there be a nun in the story? Perhaps in another part of the city where Tiffany will rescue her from a former priest zombie?

    1. There are plans for something along those lines.

  97. How many types of incest will there be ?

    1. Idk, is there more than one type? :P
      Or do you just mean which pairings? Probably all of them, idk. Depends what kind of characters with relatives I end up making.

  98. Will there be catgirls ?

    1. Or at least catgirl costume ?

    2. Idk, I don't have any plans for it at least.

  99. Will there be a schoolgirl character or costume?

  100. window 10 is not available to the game??
