Monday, August 27, 2018

That face when you finally finish adding all the 2D cum effects for one of your stupidly long overdue comic projects:

Yes, I think it's about time I start using 3D cum effects XD.

Finished the editing for Chapter 0 & 1 of 'Our Intergalactic Lovers' (OIL). Some more things to do before release, but I'll have more info, previews and cut bonus renders soon...

~ Jim


  1. Awesome, Cant wait to see this keep up the great work man :)

  2. I think I speak for everyone when I say "good distance."

  3. Thanks guys. Chapter 0 should hopefully be up before the end of the week.

    I'll also make a post in the next couple of days about either my rpg maker game project or the other succubus story I'm working on.
